Friday, July 5, 2019

Shallow Waters

I managed to sneak a bit of flash fiction into this newest series by Crystal Lake Publications. The piece is titled: "Where The Children Run In Darkness" and is a brief glimpse into the mind of a terribly troubled individual, and the consequences of opening doors that should remain closed. There are a lot of stories by some of today's best horror writers in this volume, with additional volumes to follow. I hope you'll find it within your summer budget to part with $0.99 and give this book a read. You won't be sorry. Click on the image below to go to the Amazon page.

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Dysfuntional Fiction: Nineteen Tales of Weirdness

After many long months of not getting a thing done on this collection, it is finally finished. Thanks to the encouragement and hard work from my two co-conspirators, Jim Boring and Tony Weiman, I was finally able to put the time into it, and hopefully made it a decent book of stories in the process.

The book is now available in print (the way it was formatted for and the one I recommend), and in Kindle for you digital people. (Links below)

I truly hope you enjoy this book, if you so choose to purchase it. There's a little bit of everything I've written over the years included, from straight-up horror, to cosmic to a few humorous horror pieces, all presented in an array of styles from longer shorts to flash, and even a poem thrown in for good measure.

Happy reading!
